We are happy to share with you the news that IHI has launched on January 16th, the calls 6 and 7. Of particular relevance to our community is call 7, which covers topic 1 (clinical management of heart disease) and topic 3 (clinical validation of biomarkers).Make sure to click here to read the news piece from IHI with further information on the calls.
IHI – call 6 (two stage)
Topic 1: Support healthcare system resilience through a focus on persistency in the treatment of chronic diseases
Topic 2: Development of evidence based practical guidance for sponsors on the use of real-world data / real-world evidence
Deadline for short proposals: 16 April 2024 at 17:00 Brussels time
Call web page: https://europa.eu/!RjXdcH
IHI – call 7 (single-stage)
Topic 1: Improving clinical management of heart disease from early detection to treatment
Topic 2: User-centric technologies and optimised hospital workflows for a sustainable healthcare workforce
Topic 3: Clinical validation of biomarkers for diagnosis, monitoring disease progression and treatment response
Deadline for full proposals: 22 May 2024 at 17:00 Brussels time.
Call web page: https://europa.eu/!64yx8Y