As exposure to radiation is common during the management of patients with lymphomas and brain malignancies, a comprehensive appraisal of the risk for detrimental effects to patients, workers, the public and the environment can refine the techniques used and lead to their safer application. Sinfonia, a research consortium of 14 institutions (universities, research institutes, hospitals and industry partners) across 8 countries, undertakes an interdisciplinary approach, encompassing expertise in domains such as medical dosimetry, medical physics, radiology, nuclear medicine, radiation oncology, oncology, radiation biology and artificial intelligence. The overall outcomes are advanced knowledge in medical dosimetry and radiation risk appraisal.
More specifically, the project seeks to develop patient-specific Monte Carlo simulations for 3D volumetric dose reconstruction based on personalized dosimetry methods and novel machine-learning techniques for tissue segmentation. Advanced artificial intelligence algorithms will model the additional patient volume not included in the initial CT-scan-based patient models to provide accurate dose estimation for partially exposed organs and those exposed to scattered radiation as well as the relationship between patient-specific characteristics and dose response to provide accurate dose estimates during or immediately after a radiological examination. Personalized dosimetry results will be used to develop a method for the accurate and quick estimation of patient organ doses from CT and radiography examinations used for the management of patients with lymphoma and brain malignancies, and in combination with individual radiosensitivity findings, a risk assessment tool will be tested. Finally, as with any statistical endeavor, uncertainties in dose calculations will be evaluated and their impact on patient risk assessment explained.
There are 7 work packages in total, each having been mapped out extensively for the next 4 years and including detailed deliverables and milestones. All research publications will be made freely accessible on the Sinfonia website.
This project has received funding from the Euratom’s research and innovation programme 2019-20 under grant agreement No 945196, and is organised by the European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR). Much more can be found on the project’s website.
Facts and figures
Coordinator: European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR)
Number of Partners: 14
Start Date: September 1, 2020
End Date: August 31, 2024
Total Funding: € 5,999,998.75
This project has received funding from Euratom’s research and innovation programme 2019-20 under grant agreement No. 945196