Five dedicated EIBIR sessions will take place during ECR 2022 from July 13-17, 2022.
Seize this opportunity to learn about our successful research projects, ask the experts about artificial intelligence in medical imaging, image collections, safety in radiology, or new directions in pre-clinical imaging and learn how to succeed in the European funding landscape.
Visit the EIBIR Lounge to talk to us about funding opportunities for imaging research.
We look forward to seeing you at ECR!
The MEDIRAD project: improving medical radiation protection for patients and staff (Open access)
July 13, 11:30-12:30 CEST
– Chairpersons’ introduction (E. Cardis; Barcelona/ES, G. Frija; Paris/FR)
– CT exposure in childhood and subsequent risk of cancer (I. Thierry-Chef, Barcelona/ES)
– Patient-specific radiation dose and cancer risk for chest CT (J. Damilakis; Iraklion/EL)
– Cardiac CT and cardiac MRI biomarkers before and after breast cancer irradiation: the EARLY-HEART study (E. Mousseaux; Paris/FR)
– Effectiveness of staff radioprotective equipment during interventional procedures with a special focus on the eye lens and the brain (J. Dabin; Mol/BE)
– EIBIR activities and upcoming funding opportunities (N. Peld; Vienna/AT)
– Panel discussion: How can the results of the MEDIRAD project be translated into daily clinical practice?
New applications and technologies for the medical use of ionising radiation and related quality and safety perspectives (an update from the EURAMED rocc-n-roll project)
July 13, 13:00-14:00 CEST
– Chairpersons’ introduction (C. Hoeschen; Magdeburg/DE, K. Riklund; Umea/SE)
– New applications and technologies in interventional procedures (C. Iosif, Nicosia/CY)
– New developments in paediatric radiology (C. Granata; Genoa/IT)
– The clinical EURAMED rocc-n-roll perspective on new developments (K. Riklund; Umea/SE)
– Open forum discussion
New directions in preclinical molecular imaging
July 13, 15:00-16:00 CEST
– Chairpersons’ introduction (S. Aime; Turin/IT)
– Role of intracellular water lifetime as a tumour biomarker detectable by “in vivo” fast-field cycling relaxometry (S. Geninatti; Turin /IT)
– The multiple dimensions of state-of-the-art optoacoustic imaging (V. Ntziachristos; Munich/DE)
– EIBIR activities and upcoming funding opportunities (K. Krischak; Vienna/AT)
– Discussion
Image collection: opportunities for succeeding in imaging research
July 15, 14:00-15:00 CEST
– Chairpersons’ introduction (G. Krestin; Rotterdam/NL)
– Magnetic resonance imaging before breast cancer surgery: results of an observational multicenter international prospective analysis (MIPA) (F. Sardanelli; Milan/IT)
– EIBIR Imaging Biobank Catalogue: Find and identify datasets for imaging research (TBD)
– Succeeding in imaging research with help from EIBIR (P. Grodebeke; Vienna/AT)
– Discussion
Big data and artificial intelligence in cancer imaging (Open access)
July 15, 16:00-17:00 CEST
– Chairpersons’ introduction (M. Dewey; Berlin/DE)
– Main aspects on data repositories in cancer imaging (L. Marti-Bonmati; Valencia/ES)
– Building and validating artificial intelligence workflows in cancer imaging (K. Lekadir; Barcelona/ES)
– EIBIR activities and upcoming funding opportunities (P. Gordebeke; Vienna/AT)
– Panel discussion: Can causality be inferred from medical images?
Safety in radiology: advancing medical imaging to the next level with EIBIR support (Open access)
July 16, 10:30-11:30 CEST
– Chairpersons’ introduction (G. Krestin, Rotterdam/NL)
– Alternatives to gadolinium: developing an alternative to gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) (R. Katz-Bull; Jersualem/IL)
– Radiation risk appraisal for detrimental effects from radiation exposure during the management of patients with cancer: the SINFONIA project (A. Dasu; Skandion/SE)
– EIBIR activities and upcoming funding opportunities (P. Gordebeke; Vienna/AT)
– Open forum discussion
How to register for open access sessions at the ECR
In order to access the open access sessions please follow the instructions below:
- Visit the session page on ESR Connect and select the session you would like to attend
- Click on ‚Login’ in the upper right corner and enter your ESR MyUserArea credentials or create a new ESR account for free (after you have created your account please visit the session page once again)
- The session is now saved in your user menu under ‘My Courses’ which can be accessed via your user icon in the upper right corner